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7 Ways to Improve Cybersecurity
by Terralíngua      Posted in  June 8, 2020

7 Ways to Improve CybersecurityCybersecurity is a concern for many companies, especially now as many employees are working in a home environment. A thorough security evaluation may not be feasible at this time. However, there are some simple steps you can implement to minimize risk.

Minimize Access

Every year Varonis, a leading security company, carries out a global risk report. In its 2019 report they found 53% of companies have more than 1,000 sensitive files open to every employee. This creates the risk of ransomware, malware attacks and other confidentiality breaches.
Review file permissions and ensure only authorized staff have access. Keep a list of authorized staff members, review it regularly, and remove staff as roles change.


Educate staff about the need to create strong passwords. It is generally recommended that passwords have eight characters. These should include upper and lower letters and special characters.
Remind staff to change passwords every quarter and do not reuse old passwords. Ensure they are using different passwords than those they use on personal accounts. Never use the same password for all logins.


Ensure data is only transferred through secure sites. Websites with an encryption process in place will have a padlock in the address bar. You can see it in the website’s URL. This is called a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Having an SSL certificate demonstrates a secure connection. Work only with companies who use encrypted sites and use security protocols when handling files.

Only Use Secure Connections

Make sure staff use secure, private connections. Public WIFI connections are not secure. Some cell phones have the option to create a secure hotspot if needed.
Lock Screens When Not in Use
This simple step is often forgotten especially in the comfort of their home. When not using a computer, set your screen to lock. This will protect your work from being seen by others or having unauthorized users accessing your account. Your employee may leave their desk for lunch, and a teenager may hop on to play an online game.

Data Disposal

Do not keep information that is not needed. Stale data presents an added risk. The Varonis report says these files are often left unchecked. In their survey they found over half of company data is stale. Therefore, it is important to delete old files and reduce access to data.

Be Careful Where You Click

Sometimes we can become careless when clicking on links. Advise your staff never to automatically click on an email link. If there is any doubt about an email’s authenticity or sender, ask for confirmation with your IT department.

These basic precautions will help protect your information and secure your company’s data. Security, safety and caution are all important in your workplace and necessary wherever your workforce may be.


Terralingua is a 17100 and 9001 ISO certified translation agency with high cybersecurity protocols. Their processes include Geo-Trust Security certification and their site is hosted on an encrypted secure server. Each client has their own password protected portal to access information in private silos. Their SSL certification has an ‘A’ rating on Qualys SSL Labs security testing. Please visit Terralingua to securely post your quote request or contact a customer service representative.

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