Tag Archives: technical translations

How Social Media Can Push Your Business Forward

How Social Media Can Push Your Business Forward

How Social Media Can Push Your Business ForwardAccording to The Digital in their 2017 Overview, more than half the world’s population uses the internet. That’s 3.77 billion people with 2.56 billion people using social media. It makes sense that any content marketing strategy should include social media posts. When planning your strategy, consider these helpful hints.

Know Your Customer

Social media is the perfect platform for getting to know your customers. Insights and trends are easier to follow with their built-in tools. Once you know what makes them tick, you can craft your content to specifically target their needs and wants.

Narrow the Field

Social media can help you target customers who want your product or service. A targeted campaign works better than marketing to a general group of people. Rather than stumbling around in the dark, you can select demographics or filters that fit your desired target. LinkedIn, for example, offers search filters such as company size, location and job title. These filters can help you to narrow the field and target an audience that will be interested.

Don’t Be Repetitive

Using various social media platforms means delivering your message multiple times. Don’t be tempted to use the same piece of content on each platform. Craft something different for each platform with different images or text. Consider the preferences of each platform. For example, Instagram is more image-focused while Twitter is more text-based. You don’t necessarily have to start each post from scratch. You can tweak posts. A short tweet on Twitter, for instance, can be turned into an image for Instagram and a short article with a photo for Facebook.

Make It Relevant

Once you know your audience, you need to create relevant content. Review posts to evaluate what produces the most engagement. Your audience will read, share and comment if they like what they see, and if it resonates with them.

Create a Great Profile

If you’re using a social media platform like LinkedIn, you’ll need a company profile. Use tools like video, infographics, images and/or photos with your text to tell your company’s story and make it stand out.

Translate and Localize Your Global Pages

If you have social media in other countries, have those pages and posts translated into your target language. It might be easier to keep them in English, but you won’t attract customers who follow brands that communicate in their own language. When the Common-Sense Advisory asked 3,000 global customers about their buying preferences, 75% of people involved in the survey reported they prefer to buy products in their native language.

Localization means using text and images that reflect the language and culture of the country you are targeting. Readers want text that’s engaging. They want to see images of the people from their culture and country. If they can relate to the content of your post, they will likely trust your brand.


Use social media to communicate and engage with your audience. If people comment or respond to posts, reply. It’s another way to build confidence in your brand which will then create sales. Don’t give yes or no answers to questions. Try to answer the question fully, even if you are only adding a link where the person can get additional information. Build a reputation for answering questions and being interested in your customer’s comments.

Sort Out Problems

If social media comments are highlighting a problem, you have (for example with delivery or customer service) make sure you respond accordingly and solve the issue. Let the customer know you are taking action and make sure you communicate with your followers once the problem has been solved.

Social media platforms will bring your business to the attention of a worldwide audience. By creating content that engages your audience, you will create new opportunities and leads to make your brand an industry leader.


Terralingua is a professional ISO certified translation company specialized in localization and desktop publishing. We have worked with many of the world’s industry leaders. If you would like a personal consultation regarding your company’s needs, please visit our website for further information.

The Importance of Accurate Legal and Technical Translations

Importance of Accurate Legal and Technical TranslationsTechnology has improved leaps and bounds through the years. Innovative ideas are constantly being shared worldwide with enhancements and innovation in lots of technical fields. A key element to the advancements has been the ability to accurately and quickly share information related to any technology. With greater control over sharing, responding, and understanding information in real time, it has become possible to avoid many pitfalls of the past.

Accurate Technical Translations

Accurate technical translations have been an important factor in the various technological advancements through the years. Scientific languages can be very specific and complex. Most of the technical terms in such a field are fairly uncommon in general language use. Therefore, interpreting such words can be a very challenging task. Technical translations also have to be very accurate in terms of specific terminologies. Errors in the technical translation can lead to dangerous situations, issues, failure, and setbacks to the project.

Technical translations, when left to automated/machine translation software, are bound to cause many errors to come up in the translated file. While such software can be quite useful in case of translating general conversational languages, technical translations are usually beyond the scope of the software. Human translators with sufficient level of proficiency in both of the languages as well as the concerned technical field can guarantee a very high degree of accuracy in the translation projects.

Technical data available in safety manuals, operations manuals, technical proposals, websites, science journals, and patents have to be accurately and professionally worked upon for translation projects. Some of the terminologies in technical translations need to be changed for the benefit of the public. Interpreting technical terms to a form which is easily understandable for the people not informed about the concerned technical field requires the services of a professional translation company with skilled translators and sufficient background in the technical field. This is translating the data twice, once with the proper translation, and again with the easily understandable terms in the foreign language. This type of translation service is far beyond what any translational software can achieve.

The point here is that, when looking for a translational service provider for your technical translation needs, you should go for service providers with strong background in both the languages as well as the technical field of the project.

Tips on Choosing a Legal Foreign Language Translation Company

Legal and technical translations have to be very accurate or else they can cause huge complications in proceedings. Wrongly translated documents can be the difference between winning and losing a case. The following tips will help you in choosing the right legal translation company for your translation needs:

– Avoid hiring a translation company whose technical translators are not native speakers of the foreign language in consideration. Below par court interpretations and badly translated documents can change the course of a case, affect a firm’s global reputation, and can even attract new lawsuits. The translated document literally has the reputation of a firm at stake.
– Foreign language translation should not be compared with simply typing in a different language. Specific languages have different language and word twists that need to be taken into consideration while translating a document.
– Avoid hiring companies that offer “universal translator” for your translational needs, as well as using software or other devices for legal translations. These can have disastrous results on your project. The reputation of a language service provider can see serious harm if the provider puts up some wrong legal or technical translation for the world to see.
– Fast and cheap legal translation should not be chosen just because of what they claim to offer. Cheap translations can potentially harm your firm in the long run, and so should be avoided.

The bottom line here is to extensively survey the options available before deciding on a technical translation service vendor.