Tag Archives: video marketing

As vantagens do videomarketing

The Benefits of Video Marketing

As vantagens do videomarketingAs brands realize the power of video marketing, it is quickly becoming a popular way of attracting and engaging consumers.

Smartphone and tablet use on the go means that people can access information anytime and anywhere. People use their devices to browse the Internet in cafes, on trains, at home and at work.

It is known that the brain interprets visual information far faster than text and that more than 65% of people are visual learners. It is also a lot easier and less demanding to watch a video than it is to read a text, which is important in today’s busy world. According to Cisco, 69% of consumer Internet traffic will be via video by 2017.

That is why big brands are making use of video to get their message across. According to YouTube statistics, almost one third of people with Internet connection visit the website, which has local versions in 88 countries.

Not only is video a great way to entertain and inform, but it is also an easy and clear way to give instructions. What better way to give added value to your customers than by creating an instructional video that they will find far easier to follow than a long piece of written text? It will also ensure better understanding of product features and extras that may be difficult to explain in text.

As a company, you can use a video to showcase your product or service to customers domestically or abroad. But in order to be successful, there are some important items to consider.


Create a video that will appeal to your customers no matter where they live. Research the use of colors and images carefully, so that they do not offend the audience. With this advance consideration, the same video can be watched by people from various countries.


Try not to use colloquialisms or slang in your video because they are hard to translate and won’t always have the same meaning to all audiences. Putting the video into clear language will ensure your video is watched and shared in any language. Also consider there is a far wider reach obtained by translating your message for target audiences, rather than leaving it solely in English or relying on graphics.

Search Engine Optimization

Your video needs to use keywords in order to be found. Video keywords are important because Google will normally put video results on the first page. If you are unsure of the right keywords, you can conduct your own search. If videos appear on the first page, you know you are on the right track.

The video title should be concise, but compelling. Use around 65 characters and include keywords in the title. Do not forget the meta description. This is the sentence you see under the title when you have carried out a search. It gives a little more information about your product or service and should also include keywords.

If you want to engage consumers, increase brand promotion and attract new customers, then using video marketing should be on your resolutions list for 2017.


Terralingua is a global translation and localization provider that works with some of the world’s top brands. Our translation specialists have a deep understanding of their country’s culture and are experts in their field. If you need to put your business on the global platform, or need any advice about your translation goals for 2017, please visit our website for further details.